Wednesday, August 28, 2024

How to Get Your Short Stories Published?

 If Somerset Maugham, O. Henry, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde and many such prolific writers have inspired you from an early age or even when you entered college or after that, you might get the motivation to hone the skill of storytelling by choosing to write short stories. This form of fiction writing has become popular back in the 19th century. Since then, this art of fiction writing has been appreciated by many readers who prefer flash fiction or novellas instead of reading a voluminous novel. Get your short story book collections published on various platforms from Amazon Kindle self publishing to the traditional ways via publishers. 

Let’s find out how you can publish your short story in the modern world via multiple channels—

Unlike the previous times, present-day creative writers have multiple channels to publish their newly written short stories or collections of short stories. Despite self publishing London, you can also try these mediums to publish a few stories to win more popularity as a writer. If the readers or listeners of your story love your work, they will look for your book on Amazon Kindle or at any book store to buy a copy for their personal read. 

Online submission 

This is the era of digital publication. Like many authors, you can send your story to a renowned publication with the hope of getting it published. You can also participate in an online contest where the publication house promises to publish the story of the winning author. It’s a dream of all writers to get their story published in the Paris Review or the New York Times. You can also send the writing there only if you think, the plot is worthy enough to receive good appreciation from the judges and finally, the writing will make its position on the online platform with the detailed author’s bio. 

Podcast Publishing 

Many modern-day readers prefer listening to podcasts instead of reading the book or even if they are continuing to read the same book, they make sure to listen to the podcasts to enjoy the dramatic voices. You can also make an audio copy of your newly launched book on Kindle Amazon Publishing and under the guidance of a good animated explainer video company, create a trailer and launch it to lure more readers or listeners to buy the podcasts. 


If you’re too shy to approach the traditional publishers to publish your short story collections, self-publishing is the best way to keep the whole rights of the publishing in your control. From earning the royalties to keeping the editing in your own will- is the best that you can enjoy from self-publishing. Amazon is offering an excellent platform for writers like you who are seeking a position to prove their abilities to become published writers. With the help of a London-based self-publishing agency like the White Magic Studios, make our journey smoother as the professionals provide multi-faced services required for self-publishing a book on Amazon and even if you decide to print and launch it in the bookstores. 

Traditional publishing 

If you have already achieved a position as a budding short story writer and along with a children book illustrator you have successfully published some of your works that have created ripples, you can now go ahead to approach a traditional publisher to publish your book. Even debutant writers also try their luck by reaching out to renowned publishers with the hope of printing their short story collections. However, it is a time-consuming affair as the manuscripts are often kept in hold because of the long queue of the previous authors who have submitted them. 

To stay away from such a situation, self-publishing and audiobook releasing can be an effective way to reach out to the target audience. You can also contribute to the right literary journals. However, before submitting write an appealing cover letter and follow the submission guidelines. 

With strategic marketing and authentic promotional activities, building a fan base is possible. Work on creating an impactful social media platform to easily promote your new ventures there.

Keep on writing and make it a practice to write daily. This is the best suggestion shared by almost all the bestselling authors of our times. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

How to Start Your Journey for Self Publishing a Book in the UK?

 The urge to write a fiction or a non-fiction of your favourite genre might have driven you for quite some time. Whether you have been writing for a while and have published a few books or even if you are a debuting writer- choosing to self publishing a book in the UK will be a better idea.

Previously, the future career of budding writers was in the hands of the publishers. By doing so, many promising writers had been lost. Today, therefore, from successful authors to budding writers prefer self-publishing their new books by connecting with a reputed agency like White Magic Studios in London. These agencies assure writers of multiple services for publishing their books.

With the help of your friend’s recommendation or getting suggestions from the search engines, finding a reliable self-publishing agency is easily possible. Have a face-to-face meeting with them regarding how you want the book to get published whether using platforms like Amazon publishing or in printed versions.

Here are a few ways to start your self-publishing journey in the UK—

Write a profitable book

Despite following the urge to write a book to showcase your talent as a writer, you should also be concerned about writing a marketable book. Today’s writers have to focus on the marketing and sellable features while writing the book and finalizing the book cover.

Make sure that the content has freshness and has various avenues to drive the target audiences and motivate them to purchase the book instead of keeping it back to the shelf. Even if you are deliberately trying your fate by publishing the book on Kindle Amazon publishing or in any eBook format- the book should contain the features of becoming a bestseller.

Remember that only by writing a couple of bestselling books- you can be counted among the bestselling authors and in the next few years can gain a position at the NY Times bestselling writer and similar accomplishments.

Professionally edit your book

You need to hire an accomplished editor for finalizing the manuscript before publishing. Whether you are a debutant writer or already have published quite a few books, having a final editing done by a professional will make the writing approach more crispy and acceptable to readers. However, being a self-publishing writer, you have the power to put your opinion on the final editing. But instead of feeding your ego, agreeing with the other experts at the self-publishing agency will be more rewarding concerning the final editing.

Design an eye-catching book cover

Next your focus will be on hiring a talented and genre-expert book cover maker who can be trusted for designing an eye-catching cover design for your self-published book whether for the eBooks or printed copies. You can also ask for layout designs and considering that blueprint, you need to have the front, back and spiral cover designed.

For inspiring the target readers, a book cover designer does their best in creating a masterpiece by using the best colors and typography arts. They know that most readers are impressed by the covers of the book and next decide whether to purchase it or not.

You have to make sure that the final book cover is featuring the primary characters and portrays a glimpse of the genre. Book covers do convey a message to the readers.

Choose a self-publishing platform

Next, when the book is almost ready to get published, decide the platform on which you want it to launch. Nowadays, many writers are using kindle publishing for launching their books as the eBook readers are their targets for making them reach the hierarchy of sales and in a few days can place their book among the bestselling category.

Market yourself on social media

You can either hire a PR for marketing your new book on Amazon or you can also do it on your own on social media. However, you might need professional expertise to motivate your target audiences for buying the book. You should better leave it to the marketing professionals who know how to keep a track on the matrix of website analytics and sales rates.

These are some ways you need to follow for self-publishing a book in the UK.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Popular reasons for Self Publishing a Book

 Do you write and are interested in publishing a book without facing complexities? Opting for self publishing your next book will be the best for you! Find and collaborate with a renowned self-publishing agency created by some talents, extending their hands to guide writers like you to come forward with their manuscripts and get them published.

Here are some reasons explained for self-publishing a book—

Zero waits for approval

You will never repent for choosing self publishing Amazon for publishing your debutant book or even if you are a published writer.

There’s no need to wait for approval from any traditional publishers when you can print or publish your book on Amazon’s Kindle direct publishing UK section at quite an affordable cost.

Forget denials and get help

Forget being rejected by the traditional writers. Any popular self-publishing agency can stand by you with a ghostwriting service if you find it difficult to tie up the loose ends of your fiction or want an expert writer to write the novel, story, or non-fiction on your behalf by following the concept, ideas, and research of yours.

Fast help with book cover designing & layout designs

Connect with a highly experienced book cover creator at the agency who has already contributed to quite a few bestselling books whether eBooks or printed copies. They know the art of convincing potential customers to use the cover designs to buy the books. These days, mostly the books are sold for the covers. Sounds strange?  But true.

Editing & eBook conversion

Enjoy the ease of editing and eBook conversion of the manuscript. For having the authority to publish the book, you can keep the changes or not agree with the final editing and stick to the lines you penned.

If these reasons convince you, go for self-publishing and have control of the royalties as well.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Ideas for Publishing a Book

It is simply a myth among cynics who convey that people don’t read, unlike the former times with the massive popularity of social media and technologies. Many people, withstanding the age limits read globally. Besides sticking their commitments to the old classics, many readers show equal interest in today’s fantasy writers, anime/manga creators, sci-fi authors, and self-published writers choosing the Kindle direct publishing of Amazon and various other online destinations to sell their books.

It’s time to turn your dream of becoming a published author into reality. Know how—

Your dream of becoming an author can be accomplished with proper planning and with your thoughts of self publishing a book instead of approaching traditional publishers to confront eternal delays of approval or denial.

Many self-publishing studios have emerged with a fantastic team of taskmasters committed to supporting their clients i.e. the writers for self publishing on Amazon or whichever platform they select to publish their fresh book. Even debutants are welcomed there and given equal importance similar to a bestselling author.

If the manuscript is incomplete or you want an expert writer to pen on your behalf then ghostwriters can do that job for you. These agencies can let an expert writer write the book for you so that they can edit and publish it by simply following the next steps!

A major concern is the book cover as most readers are drawn to the book cover design and decide whether they should convert it to a sale or not. Collaborate with an experienced genre-centric designer for the layout designing and cover design of your new book before publishing.

Without any further ado, select a reputed agency reviewed and rated for being extremely supportive to their clients and even ready to go a step further for promoting the books via omnichannel marketing in association with the prolific marketing ninjas that work in collaboration with various individuals and agencies.

How to Get Your Short Stories Published?

  If Somerset Maugham, O. Henry, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde and many such prolific writers have inspired you from an early age or even whe...